26th Public Meeting: This short virtual public meeting was dedicated to the deliberation and vote on a letter with recommendations from the Immediate Action Subcommittee (IASC) of the Advisory Council to transmit to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
25th Public Meeting: The in-person public meeting, held May 21st and 22nd, explored AMR in companion animals and conflict zones, how environmental conditions can affect the risk of contracting a resistant infection, as well as highlighting the voice of the patient. The meeting also presented the report with recommendations titled
A United Front: Collaborative Global Leadership to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance - PDF. The report was approved through a unanimous vote to be transmitted to the Secretary of HHS and for public availability.
24th Public Meeting: The virtual public meeting, held February 22nd, was dedicated to international implementers and the gaps, challenges, and opportunities they see to combat AMR globally – specifically focusing on low- and middle-income countries.
23rd Public Meeting: The virtual public meeting, held December 20th, was dedicated to U.S. federal efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance globally. The Office of Global Affairs from HHS, USAID, the U.S. Department of State, USDA, and CDC provided updates to PACCARB on their ongoing global activities to combat AMR.
21st Public Meeting: This virtual public meeting, held January 24-25th, was a continuation of the PACCARB’s effort to explore the integration of antimicrobial resistance into pandemic preparedness efforts. The meeting was focused on exploring the challenges communicating science and antimicrobial resistance during a pandemic, as well as exploring how to better address all populations in these plans.
20th Public Meeting: The PACCARB held an in-person public meeting on September 12-13th that was dedicated to conducting a One Health, antimicrobial resistance, and pandemic preparedness workshop. The focus of this meeting was a hypothetical, large-scale disease outbreak scenario that was used to facilitate discussions intended to identify key issues and critical gaps in pandemic response efforts as they relate to antimicrobial resistance.
19th Public Meeting: On March 2nd, the virtual public meeting was centered around One Health retrospectives on past pandemic influenza outbreaks and how they impacted antimicrobial use, resistance, and stewardship. The goal of this review of past viral outbreaks was to understand and prepare for the role of antimicrobial resistance in future viral pandemics.
17th Public Meeting: On October 6th, the PACCARB held a short public meeting that was dedicated to the deliberation and vote on a
resolution letter with recommendations regarding support for legislation that promotes the production of new antimicrobial drugs. The Council voted unanimously to transmit the resolution to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and for public availability.
15th Public Meeting: The February virtual meeting was held by the PACCARB on the 10th and 11th. The meeting was dedicated to presentations from two new working groups of the PACCARB, one on Inter-Professional Education and another on Antibiotic Access and Use, which were formed in response to a
task letter - PDF from the Assistant Secretary for Health. The two-day virtual public meeting also included an update on the impact of COVID-19 on antimicrobial resistance.
14th Public Meeting: This virtual meeting held September 9th-10th, focused on the impact of COVID-19 on antimicrobial resistance. Topics included presentations on the COVID-19 mortality rate due to secondary acquired infections, antibiotic stewardship practices during a pandemic, disruptions in the agricultural industry due to COVID-19 and the intersection of AMR and emergency preparedness.
HHS-hosted AMR Listening Sessions: On February 26th and 27th HHS Hosted AMR Listening Sessions discussing the current landscape of antibiotic resistance, the development of antimicrobial alternatives, and included a One Health focused panel of presentations. This was not a Federal Advisory Committee Meeting.
December: The CDC releases the
2019 Antibiotic Threats Reports, highlighting that antimicrobial resistance is a continued threat to public health in the U.S.
13th Public Meeting: The meeting was held July 10-11th. The PACCARB met to deliberate and vote on the report with recommendations titled
Priorities for the National Action Plan on Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria: 2020-2025 and identify priority areas for the 2020-2025 iteration of the NAP. The report was unanimously approved to be transmitted to the Secretary of HHS and for public availability. The remainder of the two-day public meeting included panel presentations and council discussions surrounding emerging antifungals, as well as provider challenges and educational solutions to influence antibiotic stewardship and One Health.
12th Public Meeting: The April 8th public meeting was held via teleconference. The focus of the one-hour call was for the PACCARB to deliberate and vote on a
resolution letter with recommendations regarding the inclusion of antibiotic stewardship programs in CMS Conditions of Participation. The resolution was unanimously approved to be transmitted to the Secretary of HHS and for public availability.
11th Public Meeting: The public meeting held January 30th and 31st was dedicated to hosting domestic and international stakeholders from all One Health domains, including animal, human, and environmental health. Discussions explored priority areas that have emerged since the original National Action Plan on Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria was launched in 2015.
9th Public Meeting: The May 16th the public meeting focused on the topic of antibiotic stewardship for animal and plant health.
8th Public Meeting: The public meeting was held virtually on March 2nd. The focus of the two-hour call was for the PACCARB to deliberate and vote on two resolution letters. The first
resolution letter recommended codifying PACCARB into legislation while the second
resolution letter recommended continued funding for federal CARB efforts. Both resolution letters were unanimously approved for transmission to the Secretary of HHS and for public availability.
6th Public Meeting: The public meeting, held May 3rd and 4th, was dedicated to the topic of infection prevention and control for animal health. Additionally, the three working groups on Incentives for Diagnostics, Therapeutics/Anti-Infectives, and Vaccines, reported their preliminary findings to the full council for deliberation; no vote was held.
5th Public Meeting: The January 25th public meeting was dedicated to presentations from non-federal stakeholders surrounding the topic area of antibiotic-resistant infection prevention and control for human health. Discussions focused on best practices, program implementation, and workforce and education.
September 21st: The United Nations held a
one-day high-level meeting to discuss "Antimicrobial Resistance," the first of its kind. The main goal of the meeting was to create and maintain strong national, regional, and international political commitment to addressing the issue of antimicrobial resistance while also raising awareness of the problem.
4th Public Meeting: The in-person September 19th public meeting was dedicated to the topics of infection prevention and control, stewardship of antibiotic use, and innovative approaches to controlling resistance for both human and animal health, from the perspectives of federal and non-federal subject matter experts.
3rd Public Meeting: The public meeting, held in-person on June 21st and 22nd, was dedicated to presentations from federal and non-federal stakeholders surrounding topic areas related to incentives for the development of vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics. The Council began building its approach to the
task issued March 25th, 2016 - PDF. The Council was charged to explore how to best incentivize the development of innovative technologies for both humans and animals while maximizing the return on investment while continuing to encourage appropriate stewardship and access to products.
1st Public Meeting: The inaugural public meeting of the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria was held on
September 29th and engaged all newly appointed members. Presentations were given by Secretary Burwell, leadership from USDA and DOD, and Dr. John Holdren, Director, OSTP. Agencies also provided their updates relative to objectives and milestones in the National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria.
September 15th: HHS, The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) announces the establishment of the PACCARB in a
joint press release.
March 27th: White House releases National Action Plan (NAP) for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria - PDF
September 18th: Executive Order 13676 directs federal agencies to implement the recommendations from the PCAST Report - PDF, which includes creation of a federal interagency Task Force on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, and requires establishment of the
September 18th: President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Report to the President on Combating Antibiotic Resistance - PDF offers practical recommendations to the Federal government for strengthening the Nation's ability to combat the rise in antibiotic resistant bacteria.
September 18th: White House releases National Strategy on Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (CARB) - PDF.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) declare antibiotic resistance to be one of the most serious problems facing our national and global health systems today.
May 20-28th: WHO announces that antibiotic resistance is a rapidly evolving health issue extending far beyond the human health sector, and declares it a threat to global health security at the 66th World Health Assembly.