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March 23-24, 2023 Public Meeting

March 23-24, 2023 Public Meeting



The 22nd PACCARB public meeting was held in-person Thursday, March 23 and Friday, March 24, 2023. The first day was focused on the intersection between the environment and AMR, including updates from the international sector and an exploration of future topics for the PACCARB to consider. The second day was dedicated to the report out from the Pandemic Preparedness Working Group, and they presented their findings in response to the 2022 task from the HHS Secretary. A report with recommendations was presented to the full PACCARB for deliberation and vote, and the report was unanimously voted to be transmitted to the Secretary of HHS. Upon completion of the voting process, the PACCARB honored its retiring members.


Agenda - PDF

Webcast Information

Archived Webcast

Meeting Documents

Meeting Summary - PDF

Task Letter - PDF


Federal Register Notice


Day 1: The Environment, Climate Change, and AMR

Module 1: Emerging Issues in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): A Global Perspective

Bracing for Superbugs: Strengthening Environmental Action in the One Health Response to Antimicrobial Resistance - PDF
Amy Pruden, Virginia Tech & Fatou Ndoye, United Nations Environment Programme

Environmental AMR & Policy Considerations - PDF
Keiji Fukuda, University of Hong Kong

AMR and the Environment: Implementing AMR-Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries - PDF
Robert Skov, International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions

Canada’s AMR Task Force: An Introduction to Canada’s AMR Advisory Group - PDF
Joel Denis, Public Health Agency of Canada & Donald Sheppard, Public Health Agency of Canada

Module 2: Environmental Impacts on AMR

Climate Change Impacts on Crop Pests: AMR Implications - PDF
Jim Stack, Kansas State University

CDC: The Changing Environment and Antifungal Resistance in Human Infections - PDF
Nancy Chow, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

EPA Office of Research & Development Initiatives to Monitor Environmental AMR and Model Risk - PDF
Jay Garland, Environmental Protection Agency

Climate, Environment, and Health: Belmont Forum International Funding Opportunity - PDF
Maria Uhle, National Science Foundation

Day 2: Pandemic Preparedness and AMR

Community Story: Tracing AMR in Eye Drops - PDF
Maroya Spalding Walters, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Pandemic Preparedness Working Group Report Out - PDF
Joni Scheftel and Ramanan Laxminarayan

*People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in these files. For assistance, contact the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria by emailing

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed January 9, 2024