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January 30-31, 2019 - Public Meeting

January 30-31, 2019 - Public Meeting



The January 30th-31st public meeting was dedicated to hosting domestic and international stakeholders from all One Health domains, including animal, human, and environmental health, to explore priority areas that have emerged since the original National Action Plan on Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (CARB) was launched in 2015.


Agenda - PDF

Webcast Information

Archived Webcast


Federal Register Notice

Meeting Documents

Meeting Summary - PDF

2018 Secretary’s Task — PACCARB - PDF


PANEL 1: One Health Surveillance and Big Data

Global Infrastructure and Surveillance, US Role Abroad
Marc Sprenger, World Health Organization - PDF

Using Clinical Data to Create a Regional One Health AR Surveillance Database
Peter Rabinowitz, University of Washington Center for One Health Research - PDF

Big Data Analysis of Integrative Conjugative Exchange (ICE) and AMR Evolution
James Kaufman, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) - PDF

PANEL 2: Infection Control and Prevention

Rush to Brush health initiative: Reducing the Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia with Oral Hygiene
Mary Lee Conicella, Aetna Inc. - PDF

Prophylactic use of Vaccines (Passive/Active Immunity) to Prevent AMR Infections
Timothy Cooke, Novadigm Therapeutics, Inc. - PDF

Internal Biosecurity Project and Geofencing for Infection Control in Swine Farms
Andreia Arruda, the Ohio State University in collaboration with MSD-Merck - PDF

Biosecurity in Africa
Juan Lubroth, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - PDF

PANEL 3: Antibiotics, Therapeutics, & Alternatives

Discovery of Veterinary Spectrum Specific Antibacterial Agents: The Need for Innovation in Animal Health
Jeffrey Watts, Zoetis Inc. - PDF

Phages as Antibiotic Alternatives and their use in Humans, Agriculture, and Aquaculture
Nancy Tawil, Phagelux Inc. - PDF

Antibiotic Manufacturers’ Commitments: Supporting Measures to Reduce Concentrations of Antibiotics in Manufacturing Waste Discharges
Steve Brooks, Pfizer Inc. - PDF

Realities and Challenges of Pharmaceutical Development
Elaine Hamm, Ascend BioVentures LLC - PDF

PANEL 4: Vaccines and Diagnostics

Earlier Targeted Effective Antibiotic Therapy through Culture Independent Diagnostics
Thomas Lowery, T2 Biosystems Inc. - PDF

Prioritization of Vaccines to Reduce Antibiotic use in Animals
Elisabeth Erlacher-Vindel, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) - PDF

PANEL 5: Grass Roots Engagement and Advocacy

U.S. Federal Policy and Agricultural Antibiotic Use
Steve Roach, Keep Antibiotics Working - PDF

One Water and Public Health: Research to Action through Outreach and Education
Amy Sapkota, University of Maryland - PDF

The Importance of WASH in Preventing AMR and Improving Health Outcomes
Danielle Zielinski, WaterAid America - PDF

Engaging the Public with AMR and Hand Hygiene
Lesley Price, Glasgow Caledonian University - PDF

PANEL 6: Consumer Impact on Antibiotic Use

Antibiotic Use in Small-Scale Livestock Producers in Ecuador
Jay Graham, University of California, Berkeley - PDF

Addressing AMR as a Global Restaurant Company
Bruce Feinberg, McDonalds - PDF

Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship: Interventions that Work
Jeffrey Gerber, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia - PDF

Sustainability of Antibiotics
Harshika Sarbajna, Sandoz International GmbH   - PDF

PANEL 7: One Health Surveillance

AMR in South Africa (via phone)
Olga Perovic, National Institute for Communicable Diseases - PDF

Small Animal Surveillance and One Health
Jennifer Granick, Minnesota One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative - PDF

One Health Data Reporting, Sharing, and Collaborating
Laura Goodman, College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University - PDF

Using Medicaid Data to Map Avoidable Prescribing Practices
Emily Lutterloh, New York State Department of Health - PDF

PANEL 8: Prescriber Behavior Change

Big Data to Improve Antibiotic Prescribing
Daniel Knecht, Aetna Inc. - PDF

Reducing Antimicrobial use in Animals and Promoting a Mindset Change
David Speksnijder, University of Utrecht - PDF

Minnesota One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative
Amanda Beaudoin, Minnesota Department of Health - PDF

Accelerating International Progress on AMR
Keiji Fukuda, University of Hong Kong - PDF

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed September 18, 2023