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July 10-11, 2019 - Public Meeting

July 10-11, 2019 - Public Meeting



The July public meeting was dedicated to the council’s deliberation and vote on the NAP on CARB 2019 WG’s report out on their draft response to the Secretary of HHS on identifying priority areas for the next iteration of the National Action Plan on CARB, 2020-2025. The remainder of the two-day public meeting included panel presentations and council discussions surrounding antibiotic-resistance, anti-fungal resistance, behavior change/education, and One Health.


Agenda - PDF

Webcast Information

Archived Webcast


Federal Register Notice

Meeting Documents

Meeting Summary - PDF


PACCARB New Authorizing Legislation


PATIENT STORY: Surviving a Multi Drug Resistant Infection: My Experience
Thomas Patterson, University of California San Diego - PDF

REPORT OUT:  National Action Plan on CARB 2020-2025 - Priorities Recommended - PDF

PANEL SESSION 1: Emerging Resistant Fungi - Candida auris

CDC and NIH Activities on Candida auris
Tom Chiller, CDC - PDF
Dennis Dixon, NIH - PDF

Oxford Hospital Outbreak of C. auris, UK Experience
Derrick Crook, Public Health England, University of Oxford - PDF

Overview of Azole Use in Agriculture
Wayne Jurick II, USDA - PDF

Triazole and Multi-Fungicide Resistance in Agricultural Pathogens
Kerik Cox, Cornell University - PDF

PANEL SESSION 2: Emerging Resistant Fungi - Aspergillus fumigatus

Resistance in Aspergillus Fumigatus – Human Health Implications
Tom Chiller, CDC - PDF

The Environment and Azole Resistance in Aspergillus
Sally Miller, The Ohio State University - PDF

Emergence of Azole Resistant Aspergillus Fumigatus and One Health
Jacques Meis, ECMM Centre of Expertise in Mycology Radboudumc/CWZ - PDF

PANEL SESSION 3:  Innovations in Combating AMR

Utilizing Big Data to Track Outbreaks of Antimicrobial Resistant Pathogens
Jeffrey Shaman, Columbia University - PDF

Whole Genome Sequencing and Machine Learning to Modernize AMR Diagnostics
Jong Lee, Day Zero Diagnostics - PDF

Using Educational Programming, Games, and Comics for Impact
Russell Shilling, American Psychological Association - PDF

PANEL SESSION 4: Day-to-Day Provider Challenges to Client/Patient Behavior Change

Striking the Balance between Professional Responsibility and Antibiotic Use
Glen Miller, Dental Whale - PDF

Challenges to Implementing an ASP in a Community Pharmacy Setting
Nathan Wiehl, AuBurn Pharmacies - PDF

Pediatric Challenges with ASP in the Urgent Care Setting
John Santos, Children’s Hospital Colorado - PDF

Antibiotics for Small Animals: Barriers to Change
Mark E. Hitt, Atlantic Veterinary Internal Medicine and Oncology - PDF

PANEL SESSION 5: Solutions to Facilitate Behavior Change

Tracking Antibiotic Resistance and Demonstrating Responsible Antibiotic Use
Joel Nerem, Pipestone - PDF

Antimicrobial Stewardship Messaging in Canada
Denise Gilby, Public Health Agency of Canada - PDF

Guidelines for Implementing Antibiotic Stewardship in Dental Industry
Alonso Carrasco-Labra, American Dental Association - PDF

PANEL SESSION 6: Solutions to Facilitate Behavior Change: Education at the Foundation

CDC AR Education Efforts for the Public
Nicole Coffin, CDC - PDF

Outcomes of European and World Antibiotic Awareness Campaigns
Herman Goossens, University of Antwerp (via phone) - PDF

Animal Health Programs for 4-H Youth
Christopher Anderson, University of Maryland Extension - PDF

Tiny Earth: Crowdsourcing Antibiotic Discovery
Jo Handelsman, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery - PDF

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed September 18, 2023