Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH)
Regional Offices
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Regional Health Operations Leadership
Regional Health Operations
The Office of Regional Health Operations (ORHO) within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and includes ten Regional Offices, covering all states and territories of the United States, as well as three independent states in the Pacific.
Map of Regions

Regional Offices
What We Do
The Office of Regional Health Operations (ORHO) promotes and advances the public health and safety of the American people by connecting people, convening local partners, establishing networks, and providing public policy and programming recommendations that best address the needs of the population.
The Regional Health offices build and cultivate relationships between health departments, academic institutions, community-based organizations, professional and constituency organizations, as well as within HHS and with other federal agencies in each of the regions. Using a diverse set of partnerships and technical backgrounds, ORHO focuses on developing strategic approaches to address health disparities with an essential emphasis on minority and women’s health, to improve access to healthcare and human services, to increase the capacity of the public health infrastructure and workforce, and to provide resources that address the needs of our state, Tribal, local, and territorial partners.
COVID-19 Response and Recovery
Health Equity – Climate Change and Environmental Justice
Opioid and Substance Use Disorders
Maternal Health
Increase Access to Health Care
Regional Health Operations Leadership
The Office of Regional Health Operations (ORHO) is led by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health – Regional Health Operations (DASH-RHO). As a public health leader, the DASH-RHO provides a focused and coordinated approach to the implementation of the HHS Secretary’s public health initiatives. From Central Office, located in Washington, D.C, the DASH-RHO provides direction, guidance, and oversight to the Regional Health Administrators (RHA) and their teams in each of the ten regional offices.

David M. Johnson, MPH
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health - Regional Health Operations
Meet our Deputy Assistant Secretary
Regional Health Administrators
Senior Public Health Advisor
CDR Luz Rivera, Psy.D
The RHA is the senior public health official in their region. Along with a team that includes a Senior Public Health Advisor (SPHA), a Regional Minority Healthy Analyst (RMHA), and a Regional Women’s Health Analyst (RWHA), the RHA leads diverse public health-related efforts in support of the regional, state, territorial, and Tribal leadership, coordinating and facilitating collaboration across federal departments and HHS agencies to advance HHS priorities. Through their networks of diverse stakeholders, the RHAs coordinate initiatives that cut across agencies and operating divisions; and inform policy analysis for the Department in order to ensure that policy and programming best address the needs of the population.
Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed October 12, 2023