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February 22, 2024 Public Meeting

February 22, 2024 Public Meeting



The 24th PACCARB public meeting was held virtually on February 22, 2024. The focus of the meeting was on international implementers and the gaps, challenges, and opportunities they see to combat AMR globally – specifically focusing on low- and middle-income countries. This is the second of two meetings to address the task provided to the PACCARB by the Secretary of HHS to address antimicrobial resistance globally.


Agenda - PDF

Webcast Information

Archived Webcast

Meeting Documents

Task Letter: Combatting Global Antimicrobial Resistance - PDF*


Federal Register Notice: FR Doc. 2024-01545


Patient Story: WHO AMR Survivor Task Force
Felix Liauw, WHO AMR Survivor Task Force

Panel 1: Education, Knowledge, and Behavior

Global Research Agenda: Behavior and AMR
Miroslav Sirota, University of Essex

Behavior Change Research across the One Health Spectrum in LMICs
Cortney Price, Food and Agriculture Organization

Framing the Conversation on AMR to Build Effective Awareness and Action
Otto Cars, ReAct

Panel 2: Prevention of AMR Infections and Access to Treatments

The Value of Vaccines to Reduce Antimicrobial Resistance in Human Health - Perspectives from LMICs
Erta Kalanxhi, One Health Trust

Supply and Demand of Existing and Novel Antibiotics in LMICs
Jennifer Cohn, GARDP

International Stewardship Principles and Best Practices: The Role of the Private Sector in Combating AMR
Dennis Erpelding, TRANSFORM - International Poultry Council Project Lead

Prevention of Animal Disease in LMICs: Vaccines and Biosecurity
Arshnee Moodley, CGIAR International Livestock Research Institute

Panel 3: Data Sharing and Networks

AMR Surveillance in Latin America and Caribbean
Pilar Ramon-Pardo, Pan American Health Organization

Expanding International Surveillance: Opportunities to Implement Alternatives to Traditional AMR Surveillance
Tine Jorgensen, World Health Organization

Challenges When Comparing Resistance Data Across Labs, Domains, and Countries
Amanda Kreuder, Iowa State University

SEDRILIMS: Towards a Harmonized AMR Surveillance System in LMICs
Janet Midega, Wellcome Trust

*People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in these files. For assistance, contact the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria by emailing

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed March 7, 2024