May 21-22, 2024 Public Meeting

The 25th PACCARB public meeting was held in-person on May 21-22, 2024. The focus of this meeting was to deliberate and vote on the report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) globally. A report with recommendations was presented to the full PACCARB for deliberation and vote, and the reported was unanimously voted to be transmitted to the Secretary of HHS. The remainder of the public meeting will include updates on AMR in conflict zones, the environment, companion animals, and the voice of the patient.
Meeting Agenda: PACCARB Public Meeting Agenda May 21-22, 2024 - PDF
Webcast Information
Meeting Documents
Task Letter: Combatting Global Antimicrobial Resistance - PDF*
Federal Register Notice: FR Doc. 2024-06157
Day One Opening Remarks
Patient Story: Maddie’s Transplant
Presented by Nova Nordisk Foundation
Michael Graziano, small-r Films
Global Antimicrobial Resistance Working Group Report Out
Paul Plummer (V), Chair PACCARB, National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education
Jason Newland (V), Vice Chair PACCARB, Washington University in St. Louis
Follow up on PACCARB Pandemic Preparedness Report: Workforce
Amanda Jezek, Infectious Diseases Society of America
Panel 1: Advocacy, the Voice of the Patient to Drive Change
Challenges When Communicating AMR
Vanessa Carter, World Health Organization AMR Task Force
Driving Innovation for Antifungal Development
Robert Purdie, MyCare
The Realities of Accessing Care and Education as a Refugee
Louange Koffi, Registered Nurse, Amahoro Coalition Fellow
Recognizing the Crucial Role Antibiotics Play in Our Lives: The Importance of Sharing Our Experiences with Infection
Rachel Freeman, IQVIA
Panel 2: Companion Animals and Drug Resistance
Companion Animals: Understanding their Unique Regulatory Position
Scott Weese, University of Guelph
The Emergence of Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms in Pets
Stephen Cole, University of Pennsylvania
Detection & Surveillance of Carbapenem-Resistant Organisms from Companion Animals
Karen Alroy, New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Public Health Response to a One Health Outbreak
Melissa Cumming, Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Day Two Opening Remarks
Drug Resistance as an Emerging Infectious Disease Threat
Daniel Jernigan, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Panel 3: Conflict Zones and Drug Resistance
War and Antimicrobial Resistance: a Surgeon’s View
Ghassan Abu-Sittah, University of Glasgow
Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship in Displaced Populations in the Middle East
Souha Kanj, American University of Beirut Medical Center
Rising Rates and Increased Geographic Spread of Resistant Infections from the War in Ukraine
Joanna Gaines, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Understanding the Health and Drug Resistance Consequences of the Conflict in Sudan
Engy Hamed, World Health Organization
Panel 4: Unequal Exposure, Unequal Risk: Environmental Racism & Drug Resistance
Environmental Racism and its Impact on Health Disparities
Roshanak Mehdipanah, University of Michigan
Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status in Colonization and Community-Acquired Infection with Increasingly Drug-Resistant Pathogens
Maya Nadimpalli, Emory University
Exploring the Intersection of Racism, Drug Resistance, and Vaccine Equity
Jacinda Abdul-Mutakabbir, University of California San Diego
Antimicrobial Prescribing Disparities and the Pursuit of Pharmacoequity
Jasmine Marcelin, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Content last reviewed August 20, 2024