
News & Events

ODPHP plays a crucial role in keeping the nation healthy. Stay up to date on our work by checking out our blog posts, news and announcements, and upcoming events.

Join Us for a Healthy People 2030 / Diabetes Advocacy Alliance Webinar

Healthy People 2030.

On Tuesday, March 23 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET, we will host a webinar exploring the challenges and solutions to addressing Healthy People 2030 diabetes objectives during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar will highlight: The Healthy People 2030 initiative and its diabetes related objectives; Perspectives on COVID-19 related policies that could impact diabetes work; and Implementation of a State Engagement Model to address diabetes prevention at the state and local levels...

Make Every Bite Count During National Nutrition Month

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) 202-2025 is now available!

By Janet M. de Jesus, MS, RD, Nutrition Advisor, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion National Nutrition Month, celebrated each year in March, is an opportunity to focus attention on the importance of healthy dietary habits and making every bite count. On December 29, 2020, the U...

Promoting Physical Activity During the Winter Season and COVID-19 Pandemic

Two people are dancing inside.

Although Americans may be facing barriers to getting active due to the COVID-19 pandemic and recommended social distancing measures, the winter season can present unique opportunities to discover new ways to move that are fun for people of all ages. Even while wearing a mask and following social distancing guidelines, people may find they enjoy bundling up for activities like ice skating, sledding, or walking outside...

Join Us at CDC’s Webinar on Healthy People 2030 Target-Setting!

February 26, 2021 | 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm EST | Register Now

This Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will host a webinar on Healthy People 2030 target-setting. Healthy People 2030 addresses public health priorities by setting national health objectives and targets and tracking progress throughout the decade. Communities, states, and organizations across the nation use Healthy People objectives to set their own priorities...