ODPHP is committed to making our website accessible to the widest possible audience, including individuals with disabilities. Information from health.gov should be accessible via screen readers and other accessibility tools.
Please contact us if you need an alternative means of access to any information on health.gov. Let us know the nature of your accessibility problem, the URL of the relevant page, and your contact information.
If you need to convert PDF documents, Adobe offers conversion tools at its Accessibility Resource Center.
Section 508 Accessibility Requirements
health.gov follows the rules and regulations of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Department of Health and Human Services HHS Policy on Section 508 and Accessibility of Technology.
Section 508 requires federal agencies to ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to and use of electronic and information technology.
To learn more about Section 508:
- The HHS Office on Disability (OD) oversees the implementation of Section 508 at HHS. Visit this site to learn more about the OD's activities and leadership.
- The U.S. Access Board's Section 508 Homepage provides information on Section 508 law, frequently asked questions, and standards.
- The Section 508 Homepage provides Section 508 tools, resources, standards, and news.