ODPHP Director

ODPHP guides the nation toward better health through disease prevention and health promotion efforts. Health and Well-Being Matter is a blog series from the ODPHP Director that features information about timely national public health priorities, observances, events, and initiatives. Read the Director's thoughts on efforts to improve health and well-being for all people.

Lessening Cancer Risks: Healthy Living, Preventive Measures, and Public Health Practice

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At the heart of it, cancers are diseases caused by mutations in genes that ultimately fail to control the way our cells would normally function. Despite the complexity of factors and their interplay that lead to cancer, the evidence unequivocally suggests that there are measures that can be taken to reduce risk. When collectively addressed, these steps can help us to prevent many cancers. Within such a strategy, there are habits to avoid and habits to encourage.

Physical Activity: We All Can and Must Do More

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Any discussion of health promotion or disease prevention strategies must reflect on the importance of physical activity. It is that elemental. Along with maintaining good nutrition and emotional health, incorporating regular physical activity can help to prevent multiple chronic diseases and improve the odds of better outcomes should you become ill from various conditions.

We Can Achieve Health Equity

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Health equity is a necessary condition in the pursuit of meaningful health outcomes for individuals and society. The health of communities, and the nation, is unattainable without equitable access to the conditions that favor health and the ability to propitiously influence those conditions – what some refer to as civic muscle. Now, more than ever, we are aware of the importance of community-defined needs and community-driven action to improve health and well-being.

It’s Never Too Late to Make Every Bite Count

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Maintaining a healthy eating routine is a lifelong pursuit with immense consequence. Despite the critical role that proper nutrition plays in maintaining overall health and well-being, typical American dietary patterns don’t align with the recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. Fortunately, there are some basic steps we can all take toward better maintaining a healthy eating routine.