
ODPHP plays a crucial role in keeping the nation healthy. Stay up to date on our work by checking out our blog posts, news and announcements, and upcoming events.

Reframing Health Literacy for the Next Decade of Healthy People

Each October, the public health community observes Health Literacy Month. This year, there’s a new reason to celebrate: Healthy People 2030 has redefined the concept of health literacy for the new decade. Key stakeholders in the health literacy field are taking notice and using this new definition to support their work...

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Healthy People: Supporting Shared Goals to Advance Health Equity

As the largest health foundation in the United States, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) supports a wide variety of organizations that are working to advance health equity in communities across the country. With an emphasis on how the conditions in people’s environments affect their health, RWJF’s vision aligns perfectly with Healthy People 2030’s overarching focus on social determinants of health.

Move Your Way Pilot Communities Get Creative During COVID-19

In 2020, ODPHP is working with 8 pilot communities to implement the Move Your Way campaign on the local level, using the Move Your Way Community Playbook. In this installment, we’re gathering lessons learned across the pilot communities during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic — and highlighting strategies that other community organizations can use in these challenging times.