Meet the 2024 President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Awardees

Congratulations to the 2024 President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition (PCSFN) awardees! The 2024 Council Awards recognize individuals or organizations that have contributed to the advancement or promotion of physical activity, fitness, sports, or nutrition.

Learn more about each award and the awardees below.

Lifetime Impact Awards

The Lifetime Impact Award celebrates individuals at the end of their careers who have greatly contributed to the advancement or promotion of physical activity, fitness, sports, or nutrition nationwide. This year’s award honors 5 individuals.

2024 Lifetime Impact Awardees

Clark Power
Jayne Greenberg
Kathryn Schmitz
Mary Story
Michel Nischan

Community Leadership Awards

The Community Leadership Award celebrates leaders who are building more vibrant and thriving communities through sports, physical activity, fitness, and nutrition-related programs. The word "community" may refer to an organization, sports league or team, business, city, or community-based group. This year’s award honors 20 individuals and organizations working to uplift their communities, contributing to the community’s overall well-being, and supporting all community members’ potential to thrive.

2024 Community Leadership Awardees

Amy Valasek
Arden Pala
Center for Healing and Justice through Sport (CHJS)
Ceres Community Project
David Waters
DC Central Kitchen & Washington Nationals Philanthropies
Dions Chicago Dream
Inspirational Triathlon Racing International
Karma Edwards
Michael Cottingham
Rise Above & Jaci McCormack
Sarah Albus
Sonya Ottaway
Stephen Schirra
Volo Kids Foundation
Youth Sports Alliance

PCSFN Hero Award 

The Hero Award celebrates high profile individuals (i.e., influencers) who champion sports, physical activity, fitness, or nutrition and amplify messages that support the Council’s mission to broad audiences. This year’s award honors 8 individuals.

2024 PCSFN Hero Awardees

Brian Dauenhauer
Caree Cotwright
George Karl
Renata Simril
Samir Becic
Stephen C. “Christopher” Suprun Jr. and Stephen C. “Dodge” Suprun III
Tony Reed
Tyler Schmitz

To stay up to date on the awards program and other physical activity initiatives, sign up for email updates. 

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