Health Literacy

Organizations Have an Opportunity to Enhance Health Literacy

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There’s widespread agreement that health care is not the principal driver of health. Rather, the conditions in the places where people live, work, and play — what many refer to as social determinants of health — have the greatest influence on our health. Organizational health literacy — the degree to which organizations equitably enable individuals to find, understand, and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others — is one of those key social determinants.

An Ounce of Prevention … Can Save a Person’s Life

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New treatments and scientific breakthroughs that lead to cures characterize modern medicine. But as exciting and beneficial as many of these innovations are, none compares to the power of prevention. In addition to getting enough physical activity, ensuring healthy eating, and maintaining mental health, a fourth essential — and often overlooked — element in any comprehensive wellness strategy is keeping up with clinical preventive services.