Health Care Quality and Patient Safety

Helping Health Professionals Prevent Hypoglycemic ADEs

Diabetes agents are some of the most common medicines associated with emergency department visits for adverse drug events (ADEs) in people age 65 and older. As such, diabetes agents are one of three medication classes included in the National Action Plan for ADE Prevention. To help achieve the plan, ODPHP developed Preventing Adverse Drug Events: Individualizing Glycemic Targets Using Health Literacy Strategies...

AHRQ’s Tools for Change Can Help Primary Care Practices Implement Evidence

Image of Workflow Diagram for Tools for Change.

By Cindy Brach, Senior Health Care Researcher, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) The Healthy People 2020 initiative includes objectives to improve heart health through prevention, detection, and treatment of risk factors. You can learn how to advance these objectives — as well as objectives related to other topics — by visiting EvidenceNOW Tools for Change, a curated collection of more than 100 tools and resources designed to help primary care practices improve quality by providing evidence-based care...

Let’s Talk Diabetes Month: The First National Clinical Care Commission Meeting

National Clinical Care Commission

By Joyce Yu, PharmD, ORISE Fellow; and Clydette Powell, MD, MPH, FAAP, Director, Division of Health Care Quality, ODPHPOn October 31, 2018, the National Clinical Care Commission held its inaugural meeting in person at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. The Commission, a newly established federal advisory committee, is charged to evaluate and make recommendations regarding programs of the U...