Health Literacy

Syndicated Wellness and Prevention Information for Your Website, Blog, or App from

By Linda M. Harris, PhD, Director, Division of Health Communication and eHealth, ODPHP was the first federal health website and has been a trusted source of health information for over 20 years. The user-friendly site was designed based on health literacy and usability principles with over 700 users’ input...

TOOLKIT: Cervical Health Awareness Month

Cervical Health Awareness Month is a chance to raise awareness about how women can protect themselves from HPV (human papillomavirus) and cervical cancer. HPV is a very common infection that spreads through sexual activity and causes almost all cases of cervical cancer. The good news? The HPV vaccine can prevent HPV, and regular screening tests can help prevent cervical cancer...

Help People Decide Which Colorectal Cancer Test They Prefer

Screenshot of Colorectal Cancer Screening: Which test would I prefer quiz

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, but regular screening can save lives by finding polyps (precancerous growths) before they become cancer. The USPSTF recommends screening everyone ages 50 to 75 for colorectal cancer. Since there are different types of colorectal cancer screening tests, it’s important for clinicians to use shared decision making with patients when talking about these life-saving preventive services...