Inform the Development of the Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report on Older Adults 

HHS is seeking public input to help inform the Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report on older adults. HHS is requesting input through written comments and nominations of qualified candidates to support the development of the report.

Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report Logo

Learn More About the Call for Written Comments

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans provides science-based recommendations on how physical activity can help promote health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Despite the many benefits of regular physical activity for older adults (fall prevention, reduced risk and progression of chronic disease, etc.), only 13.9 percent of adults older than 65 years meet the recommendations for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity. Building on the science base from the Physical Activity Guidelines, HHS intends to develop a midcourse report focused on strategies to increase physical activity levels among older adults.

In the report, HHS will seek to: 

  1. Highlight key components of intervention strategies shown to be effective at increasing physical activity levels among older adults 
  2. Identify settings where physical activity messaging and encouragement would be relevant to older adults 
  3. Highlight policy, systems, and environmental interventions that are particularly important for increasing physical activity in this population
  4. Summarize effective strategies to overcome barriers and limitations to implementing these interventions, including (where evidence is available):               
         a. Emphasizing equity and reducing disparities in participation, including among
             individuals with disabilities and individuals of 
    certain racial/ethnic group

         b. Highlighting strategies to bolster mental health, build resilience, or enhance social

Submit a Written Comment

HHS is looking for written comments on how this report can best support decision-makers, health professionals, educators, and others working to promote or implement physical activity among older adults in a variety of settings. For example:

  • Are there other related areas this report should address that would inform and guide your work with this population?
  • What information or knowledge gaps do you experience in your work that could be supported by a midcourse report?

HHS will accept comments via email to until 11:59 p.m. ET on December 8, 2021.

Call for Nominations of Qualified Candidates

A subcommittee of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition will be convened to conduct a literature review and summarize findings to support the development of the Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report on older adults. The subcommittee’s main tasks will be to evaluate the scientific literature, grade the evidence, summarize the science related to strategies to increase physical activity among older adults, and identify research gaps.

HHS is looking for nominations, including self-nominations, of individuals with expertise reviewing scientific literature in the fields of physical activity, health promotion/disease prevention, gerontology/aging, public health, built environment/community design, health policy, psychology, and/or implementation science.

HHS will accept nominations until 11:59 p.m. ET on December 8, 2021.

Additional information, including eligibility criteria and instructions to submit a nomination, is available in the Federal Register Notice.

Categories: News & Announcements