Now Webcast-Only: Meeting 5 of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

See NEW Links for Advisory Committee Meeting Webcast

Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Meeting 5

Now Webcast-Only, March 12-13

Meeting update: Meeting 5 of the Advisory Committee will be held by webcast only, out of an abundance of caution due to various employer travel restrictions and to ensure a quorum can be reached for the Committee to conduct its work. As this is the last full Committee meeting before they draft their scientific report to the Secretaries, it’s important that all members be able to be part of the public deliberations.

This webcast meeting will cover the same content as originally planned, which includes presentations by each Subcommittee, deliberation by the full Committee, and plans to finalize its work. We encourage the public to join the webcast for the Committee’s deliberations. 

NEW – The NEW links to join the webcast are: 

Thursday, March 12

Friday, March 13

 Stay engaged! The Committee is continuing to accept public comments on its work. The ongoing public comment period started in March of 2019 and will last until May of 2020.  The public is encouraged to submit comments up until that time. To see the latest on the Committee’s work, visit the Topics and Questions page. 

RECENTLY ANNOUNCED: On May 11, 2020, the Committee will meet via webcast (only) to discuss its draft scientific report before submitting the final report to USDA and HHS. Registration for this public meeting is expected to open in April.

For more details about the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee or to register for meeting 5, visit or see the links below:






Categories: News & Announcements