OASH Regional Offices
Region 8

The Region 8 Office, based in Denver, Colorado, serves Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
Region 8 is a primarily characterized as rural, frontier, and wilderness due to its low population density. Although the population density is low, there has been population growth across the region during the past 10 years.
Many factors present challenges in health outcomes including access to health care and education, economic stability, the vast and differential geography & community contexts. The Region 8 Office is committed to working with urban areas, including those along the Front Range, and rural and frontier areas throughout the region. Region 8 prioritizes health and the resilience of the population while collaborating with stakeholders to address challenges across the population.
Region 8 also includes 32 federally recognized Tribes, and 16 Tribal colleges/universities. American Indians live in both urban and rural areas across Region 8. The Region 8 Office serves to improve the health of American Indians through partnership, targeted technical assistance, and coordination between Tribes and federal partners.
Stay Connected with Region 8
For more information or if you’d like to subscribe to our distribution lists, please contact: Laurie Konsella
Region 8 Health Operations Staff
Dr. Abbott has worked in public service for over 15 years, joining OASH in 2020. Prior to the Federal Dr. Abbott worked with the Feinstein International Center, the United Nations Children's Fund, and spent two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Mali. Dr. Abbott received her MS and PhD in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition from Tufts University.
Dr. Abbott joined OASH in 2020 after nearly a decade at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). At USAID, she spent two years as the Acting Nutrition Division Chief within the Bureau for Food Security and led the standing up of a new Center for Nutrition during USAID’s reorganization.
Prior to USAID, Dr. Abbott worked with the Feinstein International Center, the United Nations Children's Fund, and spent two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Mali. Dr. Abbott received her MS and PhD in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition from Tufts University.
Senior Public Health Advisor
Contact Region8OASH@hhs.gov
Regional Public Health Analyst
June Homdayjanakul, DrPH, MPH