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Lyme Innovation

Lyme Innovation

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Read the 2024 Lyme Innovation Initiative and LymeX Innovation Accelerator Multi Year Plan to Change the Lyme Disease Status Quo - PDF

The HHS Lyme Innovation initiative is a patient-centered, data-driven approach to addressing the serious threat of Lyme disease and other tick- and vector-borne illnesses.

Lyme disease affects more than 476,000 people in the United States each year, and that number is growing. The geographic spread of the disease is also growing due to the changing climate and other factors. Lyme disease accounts for more than 70% of all vector-borne illnesses in our country. Lyme and other tickborne conditions cost the U.S. economy billions of dollars annually.

By supporting interdisciplinary collaborations that reflect the initiative’s core principles, Lyme Innovation is:

  • Building commitment to data-driven, patient-centered innovations that improve outcomes.

  • Identifying ways to better collect and share data while raising awareness of tickborne illnesses.

  • Accelerating discovery of next-generation diagnostic tools and technologies.

  • Lowering barriers across all phases of development, testing, and implementation.

Lyme Innovation at a glance

  • Launched on November 20, 2018 by HHS.

  • Awarded $1 million through the LymeX Diagnostics Prize.

  • Hosted roundtables, interviews, listening sessions, and workshops with patients, advocates, providers, clinicians, researchers, and policy makers.

Lyme Innovation is catalyzing change through three strategic priorities

Engage stakeholders to facilitate patient-centered innovations

  • Lyme Innovation grounds advancements in lived experience through listening sessions, roundtables, and other learning approaches.

Advance education and awareness

  • Lyme Innovation fosters the development of new, community-based education and prevention efforts.

Foster breakthroughs in next-generation diagnostics

  • Lyme Innovation runs open innovation programs that incentivize and reduce risk for development.

A Call for Innovators and Breakthrough Solutions

Through strategic partnerships, Lyme Innovation is accelerating patient-centered advancements in addressing Lyme and other tickborne diseases.

To learn more about LymeX prize competitions and how to get involved, visit .

The Approach

The HHS Lyme Innovation initiative sees patients as more than the recipients of new prevention, diagnostic, and treatment tools and techniques to address Lyme disease and other tickborne illnesses. Patients are the driving forces of innovation, and their lived experiences inform our roadmap.

Lyme Innovation’s guiding principles are

  • Accountability – The buck stops here.

  • Collaboration – Citizens and patients are equal partners.

  • Compassion – Finding solutions to relieve suffering.

  • Excellence – Quality, real-world evidence underlies decision-making.

  • Honesty/Integrity – Find the truth. Tell the truth.

  • Innovation – Shifting paradigms. Finding a better way.

  • Respect – Everyone is valued.

Additional Information

Press Releases and Blog Posts

External Websites

Visit .


  • Lyme Innovation: Real-World Impact

    Lyme Innovation developments that are already making an impact on tick-borne illnesses

  • LymeX

    Public-private partnership between HHS and the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation to accelerate innovation in prevention efforts, diagnostics, and treatments for Lyme and other tick-borne diseases

  • Tick-Borne Diseases Working Group

    Working Group that reviews federal tick-borne disease efforts and research priorities, including Lyme Innovation, while ensuring interagency coordination

  • KidneyX

    Public-private partnership between HHS and the American Society of Nephrology to accelerate innovation in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of kidney diseases

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed May 16, 2024