Reduce infections caused by Shiga toxin-producing E. coli — FS‑02

Status: Little or no detectable change

Little or no detectable change

Most Recent Data:
4.6 laboratory-diagnosed, domestically-acquired STEC infections per 100,000 population (2022)

3.7 per 100,000 1

Desired Direction:
Decrease desired

4.6 laboratory-diagnosed, domestically-acquired STEC infections per 100,000 population occurred on average annually in 2016-18 2

Reduce the incidence of laboratory-diagnosed, domestically-acquired Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infections

Target-Setting Method
Percent improvement


Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are bacteria that can contaminate some types of food, including leafy greens and raw or undercooked beef. Many people in the United States get sick from STEC infections each year. These infections can be severe, leading to hospitalization and sometimes death. Interventions in food production, processing, storage, and preparation can lead to fewer infections.

Workgroup: Food Safety Workgroup

1. Target has been revised. See Data Methodology and Measurement for more information.

2. Baseline has been revised. See Data Methodology and Measurement for more information.