During the month of May, National Physical Fitness & Sports Month provides an opportunity to celebrate and promote physical activity and the benefits of sports participation.
Physical activity is key to maintaining health and well-being. Getting active can improve fitness and reduce stress, reduce risk for many chronic diseases, and ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. Youth sports can help kids and teens get active and develop leadership, time management, and relationship-building skills.
To help your community get active, spread the word about National Physical Fitness & Sports Month and share ODPHP’s physical activity resources. We’ll have new blog posts throughout the month. Sign up to get email updates when we post new information about physical activity!
New and Updated Fact Sheets, Videos, and More to Promote Physical Activity and Youth Sports!
- Share our new posters and fact sheets
to raise awareness about the National Youth Sports Strategy
and help parents learn about the benefits of youth sports. Parents can also use this interactive graphic
to add physical activity to their children’s day. Just 5 minutes of physical activity has real health benefits!
- Use our new videos to get teens moving
. Challenge teens to get active and create their own videos on why they like to move and get their 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Encourage teens to share their videos on social media with #GetYour60.
- Share our interactive Move Your Way Activity Planner
to help adults find ways they can get moving this week. We recently updated the planner with new features, like a printable plan that people can stick on their fridge to stay motivated. You can also share our Move Your Way promotional videos for adults and parents
and videos for pregnant and postpartum audiences
to encourage them to find ways they can get active!
National Physical Fitness & Sports Month Social Media Messages
No time to develop your own social media messages for National Physical Fitness & Sports Month? We’ve got you covered. Help your audiences find new ways to move by sharing these sample social media messages for all ages.
Pair your messages with the graphics at the bottom of the page. Messages that link to videos will load a preview — no graphic needed.
For more social media messages, visit us on Twitter @HealthGov and on Facebook @HHSHealthGov.
- Get active and start feeling better today. [bike emoji] Celebrate National Physical Fitness & Sports Month by finding ways to #MoveYourWay and enjoy benefits like reduced stress and a better mood. Want to learn different ways to #GetActive? Check out https://go.usa.gov/xH2Qk
- Adults need a mix of physical activity to stay healthy. All sorts of activities count! [golfer emoji] Find what works for you and #MoveInMay! Take time during this National Physical Fitness & Sports Month to learn about the health benefits of #PhysicalActivity: https://go.usa.gov/xH2Ub
- #DYK? May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month. It’s a great time to celebrate #PhysicalActivity and all of its many health benefits! Physical activity can help older adults maintain independence and carry out everyday tasks. Learn more: https://go.usa.gov/xH2Ub
- It’s National Physical Fitness & Sports Month! Want to #GetActive? Get some household chores done or chat on the phone while walking. [person walking emoji] Lots of things count as #PhysicalActivity! Find other ways you can #MoveYourWay: https://youtu.be/61p1OIO20wk
- #DYK? Physical activity can help increase your energy, boost your mood, and reduce your stress during pregnancy. #MoveYourWay during National Physical Fitness & Sports Month and learn more about the health benefits of #PhysicalActivity: https://go.usa.gov/xH2UZ
- Kids and teens need at least 60 minutes of #PhysicalActivity each day. Celebrate National Physical Fitness & Sports Month with your family by finding new ways to #GetActive and #MoveYourWay! Learn about the benefits of physical activity today: https://go.usa.gov/xH2UF
- Get your kids active by finding a family dance routine online! Record your dance, #MoveYourWay, and share it with your friends and family to celebrate National Physical Fitness & Sports Month! [person dancing emoji] To learn more ways to get active with the family, check out https://youtu.be/zNs8srnJ95U
- Youth sports can help youth improve their fitness and develop social skills. However, not all youth have equal opportunities to play. Learn about how the National Youth Sports Strategy aims to change this: https://go.usa.gov/xH2QA
- Parents: Want to help kids #MoveInMay? Whether you’re playing a game with your kids or coaching a youth sports team, make fun the top priority. Learn more ways to help your kids find their way to play: https://go.usa.gov/xHn9s