Addressing Healthy People 2030 Diabetes Objectives During the COVID Pandemic Webinar

Healthy People 2030 provides 10-year objectives and targets to improve the health and well-being of the nation. This decade, the Healthy People diabetes topic area includes 9 core and 1 developmental objectives. One objective – Reduce the number of diabetes cases diagnosed yearly – is also a  Leading Health Indicator.

On March 23rd the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and the Diabetes Advocacy Alliance hosted a webinar on addressing Healthy People 2030 diabetes objectives during COVID-19. The webinar featured:

  • A Healthy People 2030 overview, including diabetes objectives, presented by RDML Paul Reed, MD, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Perspectives on COVID policies and potential impacts on diabetes work by Kate Thomas, Chief Advocacy and External Affairs Officer, Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists and Co-Chair, Diabetes Advocacy Alliance
  • Discussion on implementing the State Engagement Model to address diabetes by Ann Forburger, Senior Consultant, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors; Alexandro Pow Sang, Diabetes Consultant, Washington State Department of Health; and Zena Edwards, Food Safety & Nutrition Faculty at Washington State University Extension

To view the webinar, click here.

Categories: Past Events, Healthy People in Action