Reduce the proportion of adults with diabetes who have an A1c value above 9 percent — D‑03

Status: Little or no detectable change

Little or no detectable change

Most Recent Data:
18.0 percent (2017-20) *

11.6 percent  *

Desired Direction:
Decrease desired

18.7 percent of adults aged 18 years and over with diagnosed diabetes had an A1c value greater than 9.0 percent in 2013-16 *

Age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population.

Reduce the proportion of adults with diagnosed diabetes with an A1c value greater than 9.0 percent

Target-Setting Method
Percentage point improvement


When people with diabetes have an A1c level above 9 percent, they may need more care and treatment. Clinical trials have shown that having A1c levels above 9 percent increases the risk of complications.

Topics:  Diabetes, Health Care

Workgroup: Diabetes Workgroup