Each month, we feature select National Health Observances (NHOs) that align with our priorities for improving health across the Nation. And to help you spread the word, we provide links to resources that you can use to promote these NHOs.

The NHOs in our July roundup help raise awareness about the benefits of youth sports participation and the burden of viral hepatitis.…

First established during the George W. Bush Administration, the science board is a subcommittee of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition (PCSFN), comprised of leading academic experts in the fields of physical activity, sports, kinesiology, nutrition and related fields. In the 13 years since its inception, over 60 Science Board members have served as a valuable resource to the PCSFN. The Science Board will help inform our efforts to increase physical activity and youth sports participation in order to help children and teens get 60 minutes of physical activity each day, as is recommended by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.