Increase the proportion of adolescent males who used a condom the last time they had sex — FP‑06 Data Methodology and Measurement

About the National Data


Baseline: 67.7 percent of males aged 15 to 19 years used a condom at last intercourse, as reported in 2015-17

Target: 81.3 percent

Number of sexually active males aged 15 to 19 years who used a condom at last intercourse.
Number of sexually active males aged 15 to 19 years.
Target-setting method
Minimal statistical significance
Target-setting method details
Minimal statistical significance, assuming the same standard error for the target as for the baseline.
Target-setting method justification
Trend data were not available for this objective. The standard error was used to calculate a target based on minimal statistical significance, assuming the same standard error for the target as for the baseline. This method was used because it was a statistically significant improvement from the baseline.


Methodology notes

Males are considered to have used a condom at last intercourse if they reported they were sexually active (had sex in the last 3 months) and used a condom at their last intercourse.


Comparable HP2020 objective
Retained, which includes core objectives that are continuing from Healthy People 2020 with no change in measurement.