Reduce exposure to lead — EH‑08

Status: Improving


Most Recent Data:
2.41 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL) (2017-18)

1.74 µg/dL

Desired Direction:
Decrease desired

2.75 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL) was the concentration level of lead in blood samples at which 95 percent of the population aged 1 year and over was at or below in 2015-16

Reduce exposure to lead in the population, as measured by blood or urine concentrations of the substance or its metabolites

Target-Setting Method


Adults are most likely to be exposed to lead at work, like at manufacturing plants. Children most often come in contact with lead through lead-based paint at home. High levels of lead in the body can damage the blood, kidneys, and brain — and cause seizures and paralysis. Monitoring levels of lead in the blood is key to identifying and reducing exposure.