Written on behalf of the National Physical Activity Plan

The National Physical Activity Plan (NPAP) commentary series, a bi-monthly e-publication designed to draw attention to timely and thought-provoking issues in physical activity and public health, released its third installment December 1, 2015. These opinion essays aim to generate momentum to advance the field of physical activity and public health.…

www.pedbikeimages.org by Andy Hamilton

Intuitively it makes sense that creating more walkable communities will help meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines from Americans because walking is the most frequent form of Physical activity.  I wondered whether walkability makes a difference and which communities have tackled this issue.  I got curious about this and did a search to find out more. …


Healthy Communities…the term seems to be turning up more and more lately…from reports in the media to city and county council meetings-from the smallest of the states legislatures to the hallowed halls of the United States Congress.  Is it latest buzz phrase or truly a movement?


There are a variety of groups (both government and non-profit) working on healthy communities and each of them have their own interpretation of exactly WHAT a healthy community is. …