School‐based self‐management interventions for asthma in children and adolescents: a mixed methods systematic review

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Systematic Review

Source: The Cochrane Collaborative

Last Reviewed: January 2019

In this Cochrane systematic review, researchers assessed the effectiveness of school‐based interventions to improve asthma self‐management among children, and identified the intervention features that are aligned with successful implementation.

Researchers found that school‐based asthma self‐management interventions:

  • Probably reduce hospital admissions and may slightly reduce emergency department visits, although their impact on school attendance could not be measured reliably
  • May reduce the number of days where children experience asthma symptoms
  • Probably lead to small improvements in asthma‐related quality of life

Many of the studies tested interventions in younger children from socially disadvantaged populations. Interventions that had a theoretical framework, engaged parents, and were run outside of children's free time were associated with successful implementation.

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Harris K, Kneale D, Lasserson TJ, McDonald VM, Grigg J, Thomas J. (2019). School‐based self‐management interventions for asthma in children and adolescents: a mixed methods systematic review . Retrieved from link is external to