On any given day you can open your Internet browser to search for a new study ranking the fittest cities, best places to live, healthiest cities in the world, and so on. These studies demonstrate it is possible to build a healthy community despite political, environmental or economic challenges.…

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that physical activity is good for you. The list of health benefits regular physical activity can bring seems endless. During childhood in particular, being active is just plain fun. Today, America’s youngest generations are met with frequent obstacles to being physically active during a time when running, jumping, and playing is a natural – and crucial – part of growth and development. …


What makes a healthy community? One answer is contained in the physical spaces and services that enable older adults to engage in healthy behaviors. Bike paths, walking trails, outdoor fitness spaces, meditation areas and labyrinths are just a few examples of infrastructure that can inspire and engage older populations.…


Last week’s entry, “Healthy Choices Require Healthy Options,” articulated well the “need to make the healthy choice the easy choice by ensuring that our communities have adequate opportunities for children, families and adults to engage in healthy behaviors in all of the places where they live, work, learn, and play.”…