In recognition of National Youth Sports Week, Aspen Institute's Project Play Initiative shares 8 plays – strategies – that health professionals, parents, and organizations can utilize to help kids get active through sports. Moving sports and physical activity participation numbers at a population level is never easy, even with the engagement of organizations with great influence. Health professionals can shape strategies and create policies that align with the interests of children, as reflected in the framework of Project Play.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), today's health services are not fit for the 21st-century challenges. Globally, more than 400 million people lack access to essential health care. Where health care is accessible, it is often fragmented and of poor quality. However, WHO’s newly launched framework on integrated people-centred health services is a call for a fundamental shift in the way we fund, manage, and deliver health services. It sustains countries’ progress towards universal health coverage by shifting away from health systems designed around diseases and health institutions towards health systems designed for people.