Written by Sarah Benes, Program Director for Physical and Health Education Programs at Boston University on behalf of SHAPE America


When you think of school, does your child’s health come to mind? It should, as schools play a very important role in helping students develop healthy habits and behaviors through health education programs.…

Written by Alexandra Black MPH, RD, LDN, Health Promotion Manager, IHRSA

Health literacy is defined as the ability to obtain, process, and understand basic health information, and October is National Health Literacy Month, dedicated to promoting a better understanding of health information. Health literacy is often discussed in terms of medical diagnoses and clinical treatments, but I think it has relevance in other areas, with no better example than the great American food label (probably why the FDA is working on an update).…

Health Literacy Month – Join our Thunderclap today!

9 in 10 Americans have difficulty understanding health information. This Health Literacy Month, join ODPHP’s Thunderclap campaign in support of clear, easy-to-understand health information. It will take no more than a minute of your time – and there are only three days left!…