I should start with a confession: my own personal understanding of the Baby Boomer generation is largely informed by television commercials.  Now, I know television is an astoundingly imperfect reflection of society in most respects, but I have to believe that the characteristics and motivations of Baby Boomers have been extremely well considered by marketers for over 50 years – it’s not a demographic that crept up on Madison Avenue  – and that research is painstakingly borne out by ad wizards. …

This week, we highlight a team sport for people with limited vision, and share controversy surrounding safety of exercise after heat stroke:

Goalball is premier team game for the blind (Source:  The Seattle Times)  The game of goalball presents a rare opportunity for those with limited vision to participate in team sports. …


Fitness center participant at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting older.  Thank goodness it’s not just me!  It is estimated that by 2030, one out of every 5 Americans will be 65 years of age or older.  As Baby Boomers age, society needs to change to accommodate demands of this growing percentage. …

This week, we focus on the role of schools in facilitating physically active lifestyles:

2010 Shape of the Nation Report:  Status of Physical Education in the US  (Source:  NASPE)  The National Association for Sport and Physical Education and the American Heart Association have collaborated to present current state-specific data on physical education in schools. …