Print: Section 6.2

Test Your Site with Users with Limited Literacy Skills

6.2 Identify and eliminate logistical barriers to participation.

Choose a testing location that is familiar and accessible to participants, like a local library, community center, or even a health clinic. Be mindful of factors that may affect participants’ ability to get to your testing site—like public transportation options or parking availability and cost.

Avoid remote and online testing if possible. If you have to do remote testing, make sure someone is on site with the participant to provide technical assistance.

It’s also important to consider accommodations that your target population may need. For example, if you’re testing with older adults, have reading glasses available for people who might need them.3 Also make sure your testing location is accessible to those with limited mobility. If your target audience’s primary language is not English, you may need to use an interpreter.

Finally, use cash incentives instead of gift cards when possible. Participants may want to use the incentive for basic living expenses like rent or utility bills.